Students receive a summer assignment in the four core subjects (English, Math, Science, History) and any AP classes they register for in the 2022/2023 school year. These assignments are mandatory and must be submitted on the first day of class upon their return from summer break. Please click the links below for assignment details and contact Donna Pergola, Dean of Academics, at dpergola@resolvehealthplanadministrators.com if you have any questions.
Ordering Textbooks
While many teachers are moving away from using textbooks and using online software instead, some courses still require them. Books may be acquired in three ways:
- Paperback novels for English classes will be acquired by the English Department Chairperson. Student PI accounts will be charged and books will be distributed during English classes. Novels and non-fiction texts will be written in extensively, so students must have their own copies, and may not borrow from the library.
- If you are a resident of Eastern Suffolk County, you can take advantage of the Non-Public School book program through Eastern Suffolk BOCES. Please contact them directly for information regarding pick-up dates, and bring your course schedule when you go: Port Jefferson Textbook Center, Eastern Suffolk BOCES, 200 Nicolls Rd., Stony Brook, NY 11790; 631-689-6860.
- If you are not a resident of Eastern Suffolk County, you may purchase books through Amazon. A guideline for authors, titles and ISBN numbers can be accessed via the Google Sheet link below. The books you purchase independently through Amazon must exactly match the titles and ISBN numbers found on our website.
The Knox School does not keep extra copies of textbooks or novels to loan students. It is the student’s responsibility to come to class prepared and ready to learn with all required books and materials.